If you are unable to come to our London studio, we also run our portfolio preparation tuition sessions online.This is ideal for international students applying for an art collages in London and the
rest of the UK.
What makes our online approach different
Because creating a portfolio is so personal to the individual student we take a one-on-one approach to our online art portfolio preparation tuition.
You will receive expert art portfolio tuition from professional artist Nick Malone. Nick has exceptional experience and qualifications for this work having previously worked in adult education. This includes an MA in Fine Art from Central Saint Martin’s and a
Distinction in Adult Education from the University of London.
Online Art Collage Portfolio Preparation - What We Do
We begin by profiling your interests and experience, and examine your strengths and weaknesses
We review your current portfolio and any artwork you have already made
You will be helped to develop projects that encourage a diversity of materials and approach
You will learn how to progress your ideas creatively though sequence and diversity
We will identify and develop those qualities unique to you that we know would be appropriate for the course you want to follow
We will encourage you to relate your ideas to the wider world of contemporary art practice
We will advise you on the professional presentation of your portfolio in ways that demonstrate your inventiveness and your thought processes off to best effect
Art collages are increasing asking for digital portfolios, we can offer advise about photographing and edit your work so that you can show what you can do
We will support you in writing an Artist’s Statement that underpins the work in your portfolio
We can help you prepare for interview so that you can expand on the ideas behind your portfolio with confidence and purpose
If you haven't already got your heart set on a particular art college or university, we can offer advise on which would suit you